Rincoe Manto AIO Replacement Coil

3 383,18 Ft


Rincoe Manto AIO Coil rövid leírása:

A Manto AIO Coil a Rincoe Manto AIO Pod Kithez készült. Háromféle tekercsellenállás közül választhat: 0,3ohm Mesh Coil, 1,2ohm Regular Coil és RBA Coil.
Beszerezd a Rincoe Manto AIO Pod Kithez. 0.3ohm Mesh Coil/1.2ohm Regular Coil 3db csomagonként, RBA Coil 1db csomagonként.


Manto AIO csere-tekercs paraméterei:

Márka Rincoe
Termék neve Manto AIO csere tekercs
Tekercs ellenállása 0.3ohm Mesh Coil, 1.2ohm Regular Coil, RBA Coil
Fit for Rincoe Manto AIO Pod Kithez
Mennyiség 0.3ohm Mesh Coil/1.2ohm Regular Coil 3db/csomag, RBA Coil 1db/csomag

A Rincoe Manto AIO tekercs csomagja tartalmazza:

1 x Rincoe Manto AIO csere 0.3ohm Mesh tekercs/1.2ohm Regular Coil 3db/csomag

vagy 1 x Rincoe Manto AIO RBA csere tekercs 1db/csomag



Great merchandise and fair price. This is the first company for me that does its best to provide the best service.


Used it about 2 months now and coils work great. It is easy to build on and so far is pretty good. The flavor and vapor production is on point for me.


Manto aio replacement coils provide me with great flavor. Love it and recommend to any vaper looking for replaement!


Excellent product for everyone. Rich and massive clouds production, this is what I wanted to get. So lucky now to find vawoo and its great offers.


Coils are OK, flavour is so clean an aromatic. And Manto aio lasts a while. I just must recommend the item!


Ellenállás (opcióból)
0.3ohm Mesh Coil 3pcs
1.2ohm Regular Coil 3pcs
RBA Coil 1pc
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